Wall Boards Applications

The following are places you might use Wall Boards to Elevate your Walls.

TV Stands

Wall Boards come out nicely on TV Stands Back Splashes. It's the modern way of doing your TV Stands!

Bedroom Walls

Bedrooms are Often Neglected on Wall Designs. Wall Boards are perfect on elevating your Bedroom Walls to Close that Neglected Gap.

Kitchen Walls

When your fitted Kitchen cupboards are fitted there is that unpleasant space between top and bottom units. Walls Boards exist to close that gap while elevating your kitchen design!


The pattern of walls in your washroom always look nicer if continuous from top to bottom and would also be easy to clean. Wall Boards cover a larger space before joints are applied compared to tiles. They are also water & termite proof which makes them perfect for a good looking and durable design.


Wall Boards are Fire Resistant! Give your fireplace an elevated look without worrying about durability.

Foyer Designs

Bye! Bye! Plain Foyers, Wall Boards Elevated Foyer Deisgns are the best!

Lounges, Sitting& Dining Rooms

Bye! Bye ordinary Lounges, Sitting& Dining Rooms. Walls Boards give your Lounges, Sitting& Dining Rooms an Elevated Look & Feel!

Offices, Shops & Restaurants

An Office, Shop & Restaurants should have an inviting look. Wall Board designed Offices, Shops & Restaurants always keeps customers engaged with your brand!

. W A L L B O A R D S - D E S I G N
About Us

We offer Durable & Excellent Wall Design Solutions!

We believe walls should never be plain and ordinary, rather they should give your home or office a definition.

Wall Boards exists to offer wall design and interior design solutions.

Our Process

Wall Boards Smart Way of Doing Things!

Find Application

Let's find where you want wall boards installed first.

Design & Color Selection

Select design from our gallery of designs or you can bring your own design, then pick the color that matches your tiles, cupboards, home/office theme.


Approve order, purchase material and get a work order. You can get a Wall Board Installer or Bring your Own Installer!

20 +

Range of Colors to Choose from

Wall Boards for Interior Designs.

Purchase Wall Boards & give a definition to your Home or Office Today!

Wall Boards Properties

Well !! Here are features that comes with installing Wall Boards!